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Prof. Roy Beck

Prof. Beck is a full Professor at the School of Physics and Astronomy, at Tel-Aviv University. His research focuses on a range of topics in biophysics, soft-matter physics, and statistical mechanics. 

Research achievements: 

Characterization of delayed and coordinated nucleation of supercooled phospholipid membranes; developing biophysical models to match the measured protein-based hydrogel mechanics and nanoscopic structures originated from the neuronal cytoskeleton; biophysical insights correlating structural phase transition in myelin sheaths as a pathological marker for multiple sclerosis; developing information-based entropy estimators for computer simulation datasets.


Future Research Directions:

Developing novel techniques to measure in high throughput transient and reversible interactions between intrinsically disordered proteins; design, measure and model, hybrid polypeptide-hydrocarbon dendrimer amphiphiles that self-assemble into tunable nanoscale structures.



2002-2006    Ph.D in Physics, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

1998-2002    B.Sc in Physics and Computer Science, Tel-Aviv University, Israel


Academic Positions

2015-            Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

2010-2015    Senior Lecturer, School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, Israel

2006-2010    HFSP post-doctoral fellow in Biophysics, University of California, Santa-Barbara


Academic and professional award

2017              Juludan Research Prize Fund

2006-2009     Human Frontier Science Program postdoctoral fellowship, University of California Santa-Barbara

2006              Applied Material research excellence prize for graduate students

2005-2006     Raymond and Beverly Sackler Prize in exact sciences for doctoral and post-doctoral students 

2005               Excellence in research award, Tel-Aviv University

2004               Excellence in research award, Tel-Aviv University

2003               Fulbright fellowship, University of Maryland


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