Audio Summaries
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G. Koren, S. Meir, L. Holschuh, H. DT Mertens, T. Ehm, N. Yahalom, A. Golombek, T. Schwartz, D.I. Svergun, O.A. Saleh, J. Dzubiella, R. Beck, Intramolecular Structural Heterogeneity altered by Long-range Contacts in an Intrinsically Disordered Protein, PNAS 120 (30) e2220180120 (2023)
M. Kravikass, G. Koren, O. A. Saleh, R. Beck, From isolated polyelectrolytes to star-like assemblies: The role of sequence heterogeneity on the statistical structure of the intrinsically disordered Neurofilament-low tail domain, EPJE 47:13 (2024)
T. Ehm, H. Shinar, G. Jacoby, S. Meir, G. Koren, M. Segal Asher, J. Korpanty, M. Thompson, N. Gianneschi, M. Kozlov, S.M. Azoulay-Ginsburg, R. Amir, J. Rädler, R. Beck, Self-Assembly of Tunable Intrinsically Disordered Peptide Amphiphiles. Biomacromolecules 24(1), 98-108(2022)
G. Jacoby, M. Segal Asher, T. Ehm, I. Abutbul Ionita, H. Shinar, S. Azoulay-Ginsburg, D. Danino, M. M. Kozlov, R. J. Amir, R. Beck, Order from disorder with intrinsically disordered peptide amphiphiles, JACS 143, 11879-11888 (2021)
A. Nir, E. Sela, R. Beck, Y. Bar-Sinai, Machine-learning Iterative Calculation of Entropy for Physical Systems, PNAS 117(48), 30234-30240 (2020)
R. Avinery, M. Kornreich, R. Beck, Universal and accessible entropy estimation using a compression algorithm, Physical Review Letters 123, 178102 (2019)
E. Malka-Gibor, M. Kornreich, A. Laser-Azogui, O. Doron, I. Zingerman-Koladko, O. Medalia, R. Beck, Phosphorylation-induced mechanical regulation of intrinsically disordered neurofilament protein, Biophysical Journal 12(5), 892-900 (2017)​​​​
M. Kornreich, E. Malka Gibor, B. Zuker, A. Laser Azogui, R. Beck, Neurofilaments function as shock absorbers: compression response arising from disordered proteins, Physical Review Letters 117, 148101 (2016).
M. Kornreich, R. Avinery, E. Malka-Gibor, A. Laser-Azogui, R. Beck, Order and disorder in intermediate filaments, FEBS Letters 589(19), 2464-2476 (2015).
A. Laser-Azogui M. Kornreich, E. Malka-Gibor, R. Beck, Neurofilament assembly and function during neuronal development. Curt. Opin. in Cell Bio. 32, 92-101 (2015)
R. Shaharabani, M. Ram-On, Y. Talmon, R. Beck, Pathological transitions in myelin membranes driven by environmental and multiple sclerosis conditions, PNAS 44(115), 11156-11161 (2018)
R. Shaharabani, M. Ram-On, R. Avinery, R. Aharoni, R. Arnon, Y. Talmon, R. Beck, Structural Transition in Myelin Membrane as Initiator of Multiple Sclerosis, JACS 138(37), 12159–12165 (2016)
G. Jacoby, I. Portnaya, D. Danino, H. Diamant, R. Beck, Delayed Nucleation in Lipid Particles, Soft Matter 16, 347-255 (2020)
G. Jacoby, K. Cohen, K. Barkan, Y. Talmon, D. Peer, R. Beck, Metastability in lipid based particles exhibits temporally deterministic and controllable behavior. Scientific Reports 5, 9481 (2015)
Y. Messica, A. Laser-Azogui, T. Volberg, Y. Elisha, K. Lysakovskaia, R. Eils, E. Gladilin, B. Geiger, R. Beck, The role of vimentin in regulating cell-invasive migration in dense cultures of breast carcinoma cells, Nano Letters 17(11), 6941-6948 (2017)
B. Gutman, M. Mrejen, G. Shabat, R. Avinery, Y. Shkolniskya, R. Beck, Angular Super-Resolution Retrieval in Small-Angle X-ray Scattering, Scientific Reports 10(1), 16038 (2020)
I. Morgan, R. Avinery, G. Rahamim, R. Beck, O. Saleh, Glassy dynamics and memory effects in an intrinsically disordered protein construct, Physical Review Letters 125, 058001 (2020)